Festival of the Photocopier Zine Fair 2015 part two

There were a lot more comic people at this years Sticky zine fair, apologies to the hundred odd folk I missed. Here's a few of the comics folk I managed to get holiday snaps of.

Rose Wu, Rosa Hughes-Currie and Linda Lew

Ben Juers and Michael Hawkins

Michael Fikaris

Merv Heers

Simon Hanselmann, JMKE, and HTML Flowers

Ele Jenkins

Nicky Minus and Bailey Sharp

Minicomics Mogul Andrew Fulton

Chris Gooch draws the zine scene

Phil Bentley

Jess Parker, Ben Hutchings, Scott Reid, and Captain David Blumenstein (focus optional)

Brendan Halyday and Frank Candiloro

Brent "The Destroyer" Willis

Ive Sorocuk

Jase Harper and James Andre

Nicky Minus and Sam Wallman

Bobby N

HTML Flowers

Marc Pearson

Tim Molloy

Not Matt...by Michael Fikaris

After the wonderful afternoon selling good comics to good Melbourne folk, Brent Willis and I headed over to Port Melbourne to purchase healthy salads. In a terrifying confrontation we found Brent's toughest of the tough anti-anti-heroes from THRUST JUSTICE had escaped the page and entered our reality! We hastily purchased out healthy salads and retreated to the safety of my Art Deco apartment on the waterfront.

Thrust Justice in the "COMICS"

Thrust Justice in "THE REAL WORLD"

To learn more about Thrust Justice purchase a copy to read with your healthy salad from the Pikitia store.

2014 in Review: Brent Willis

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2014?
Having my first full-coloured comic Thrust Justice published by Pikitia Press.
Wellington Zinefest was extra good this year.
Got another issue of the Bristle Annual out.
Did some more Wharks too.

What are some of the comics you've enjoyed in 2014?
I got some good Thai comics recently, I can’t understand them because I can’t read Thai, but they look good.
Vincent Konrad’s No Soap Radio, Michael Sanders’ Epic Journey parts 1 & 2 (looking forward to the rest of the parts) The latest Dailies, the Moonbeard collection, and anything by Ben Hutchings is awesome.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2014?  
I enjoyed paying off my mortgage and then going on holiday in South East Asia (twice). I enjoy Wellington having an underground music venue again (the Pyramid Club) and there’s also a music venue within walking distance from my home (Moon). Haven’t been watching TV this year so I can’t say I’ve enjoyed anything on TV.

What are you looking forward to in 2015?
Looking forward to seeing the Three Words NZ Womens comics anthology. Also planning on doing another Thrust Justice and a Fungus Boy reprint. I might move house.

Brent Willis at Werewolf

Thrust Justice Preview (Warning Powerful Manly Images)


Here at Pikitia Press we like to publish manly comics about manly men, by manly men, for manly men. THRUST JUSTICE is one of those comics. New Zealand's hardest working cartoonist Brent Willis (tied with Barry Linton & Richard Fairgray) has produced a powerful work of literature that we are confident will win awards and get good reviews and all the other special things one needs to enrich one's soul. Powerful with a capital THRUST.