Hal Eyre 1920's-1930's Original Cartoons

Hal Eyre photo taken by Noel Maitland from State Library of Queensland.

A selection of original cartoons by Australian cartoonist Hal Eyre (born 1875 -?).  Eyre commented in early twentieth century Australian magazine Lone Hand about his ambitions as a cartoonist:

"I wanted badly to become a cartoonist on a daily paper, and applied to the Observer , which I think was the first Australian daily to print cartoons regularly. The Observer , which belongs to the Courier Co., had unfortunately run into a libel action over a cartoon not long before, and had dropped that feature, so the prospect was not encouraging. My proposal was turned down, but I told the managing Director that I would be their cartoonist eventually. Later on I tried again and was appointed, and drew for that paper for a number of years. About 1908 I came to Sydney and took up my present position at the Daily Telegraph."