2014 in Review: Sam Orchard


What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2014?

This year I printed the first three issues of Family Portraits! A comics series that celebrates gender and sexuality in New Zealand. I ran a Kickstarter and got enough money to print them and travel to America to do a comic tour.

It was really amazing to meet lots of incredible LGBTQI comic creators, and to show off my stuff over there. I feel really lucky and grateful to the amazing people who supported me in the kickstarter, that was definitely a highlight for me.

What are some of the comics you've enjoyed in 2014?

I really enjoyed We Can Fix it by Jess Fink and Tomboy by Liz Prince, the new Bold Riley issues by Leia Weathington are also incredible, and I have recently discovered Blue Deliquanti’s O Human Star webcomic as well.

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2014?  

There’s been some really amazing TV coming out in the last year - I’m currently watching Nowhere Boys, an Australian Sci-fi, and I loved making my way through the first two seasons of Orphan Black.

What are you looking forward to in 2015?

Continuing to work on the next issue of Family Portraits, and maybe, just maaaaaybe a trip back to the USA :)

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