2014 in Review: Tricky Walsh

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2014?

Well, this year I managed to get another Hoppers out of my head and onto paper which seems like a not-so-large achievement but I guess to me it signifies a bit of “Oh this thing is actually happening.” I also scratched out the entirety of the series and have set myself some deadlines of “finish it before you’re eighty” which is also at this point (should it happen), an achievement.

What are some of the comics you've enjoyed in 2014?

I went to Japan last year and saw the work of Yuichi Yokoyama and pretty much bought everything I could get my hands on. Colour Engineering is spectacular – it really bridges the comics/art media in a way that I really appreciate. I’ve also got a copy of Brecht Evens’ The Making Of and Simon Hanselmann’s Megahex sitting on the shelf waiting for the festive season to sneak off and read too.  My comics reading doesn’t seem to line up that well with “Things released in that year” but Sam Wallman killed it all with A Guard’s Story and Katie Parrish’s work is stunning.  

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2014?  

I enjoyed a lot of art making this year. In particular I got to do a bunch of research on Daphne Oram and her oramics machine – a 1950’s electronic instrument of sorts that uses celluloid to make sound. I made a replica of it out of wood and showed it in a gallery in Melbourne. I guess I’ve enjoyed having some dedicated art making time. Which I probably have every year, but this year has felt a little more comfortable or less stressed or something. I’ve also been doing a lot of gouache works which has made me want to bring the colour on into my comics more. Which I guess will happen at some point. Natural evolution, whatnot.

What are you looking forward to in 2015?

I’m doing some travel next year which I can’t wait for. I got an Australia council residency in London to go do some recording and research which will be fun and not laboursome or back breaking. Woo! Also I've promised Josh Santospirito ( @ San Kessto publications) that I'll speed it up a bit (for my own sake, old age, etc) so next year we're releasing Hoppers 3 & 4 in June and November (I think. Josh will be weeping silently at these dates probably because i always get them wrong. I am my own bureau of misinformation)

I’m also working on a show of drawings with my partner Mish Meijers at Cross-Arts gallery in Sydney  in June 2015 that will probably turn into a publication at some point. It’s called Dear Minister for Women and is basically to educate the current minister for Women about women’s history and issues along with a bunch of smartmouthed and pissy outpourings of outrage. Because still angry.

Tricky Walsh

Paper Trail


Ronnie Scott profile and interview with Simon Hanselmann.

Melbourne and Brisbane launch parties for Jase Harper's AwkWood from Milk Shadow Books in August.

Down There #3 - Tom O'Hern's Blood and Bone available online at San Kessto Publications.

Kelly Sheehan writes about the launch of Earth's End Publishing.


Dave Dye writes about the beginning of World War One for Australians and New Zealanders. Dave's extensive graphic history of Anzac involvement in the WW1 is available at the Wotsleft store.

Lee Gracie's The Adventures of Doctor Duck, is an odd sci-fi epic webcomic starring a duck with a moustache. A lot of unintentional humour from mispellings and Lee's crude, almost "outsider" art gives it a certain appeal that I wouldn't ascribe to more polished efforts. Lee's bio from Doctor Duck: "Lee Gracie has been drawing comics for over 25 years in Australia. He has worked on drawings for TV and movies, and once owned his own comic shop. He has ADD, Bipolar disorder, and dyslexia. He still sells his comic books at fairs."

Hey look! Some cool covers from Virgil Reilly's Silver Flash comics circa 1950's.

Paper Trail masthead by Toby Morris.