2014 in Review: Tony Renouf

What have been your personal cartooning/comics highlights of 2014?

....Hitting my straps (again)...two fresh cartoons a week (up to 4 A4 "pages" long some of 'em)...writing so much I can't stay on top of what I want to draw...(fuck this day job!)...revelling in the freedom that publishing on line offers...it's changing the way I write/design pages/think about my finished art....very liberating...and all coloured in with colouring in pencils!!!

What are some of the comics you've enjoyed in 2014?

...Mainly stuff I run across in my blog platform provider...Sarah Laing...Hat&Fat...Over the hedge...so many lovely little random illustrations and sequential odds & ends...and a couple of collections hat Spencer loaned me...esp' the complete Don Martin...he is a god....apologies to the larger cartooning/comics community....I spend all my money on records/food & lamp oil for my drawing board....

What is something non-comics that you have enjoyed in 2014?

...Finally fronting up the bucks for a leather bound complete HP Lovecraft....and discovering the warpo toys Lovecraft figures on Kickstarter....mmm...tentacly...

...(and owning a record shop as my "real" job for a fifth glorious year of near poverty!)....

What are you looking forward to in 2015?

...celebrating 30 years as an underground cartoonist/publisher (off & on...er...more on than off)....shit, has it been that long?....(yes, Tony....yes it has)....finally penetrating the awful mess that is my sketch book far enough to unlock the "return to the planet of the chicken-things" sequence...(45 fucking pages away at last calculation...who's dumb ass rule was it that they had to draw everything the wrote?!??)...

Bored in a Record Shop